Winchester Mystery House Halloween 2023
I helped out in the photography and some design elements for the Winchester Mystery House Halloween 2023 season. My main job was to make sure that the scare cam was working properly and as well make sure the guest stay surprise by some of our scare actors on the floor!
Photo Edits
This piece is actually a scenography where we use a scanner to make an art piece. I decided to make a art piece that represents love and care.
This piece is actually for a final project at California State University East Bay.The final project was to make a set of photos and we can do anything as we wished for theme and edits. I went with trees around my hometown since I feel every tree is unique in it's own shapes, but I wanted to see what other kind of shapes I can make if I made the photos symmetrical.
This piece was done for an exercise where we had to edit a photo to make it symmetrical, but also make it believable with small editing.
This piece was an exploration piece where I was messing with the exposure.
Traditional Stills
 Cherry Blossoms in Ohlone College.
 Monterey, California.
 Wildlife and Parks in Milpitas,California.
Sunset at Ohlone College.
Bingo the Good Boy.
Morning Grass.
Adventures in San Francisco.

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